The unattended global market
is worth £22 billion annually.
Join the cashless revolution
Kashing introduce cashless payments for any unattended coin-based vending machine to increase sales opportunities. Every industry has its own specific needs and requirements.
In all different industries Kashing is a dedicated and knowledgeable partner in offering the best cashless payment solution for your unique situation.
We provide an easy and affordable way to integrate certified EMV Cashless payments and remote management for your Self-Service Environment. We make it simple to integrate and adopt cashless payment solutions into any traditional or new solution that would typically depend on a coin-based payment solution.
About our cashless technology
We built our partnerships on the trust and the confidence that we are the best option to accommodate and serve your business.
We provide you with an online dashboard and reporting tool to give you an overview of all machines and enable fast access for reconciliation of all your locations.
Our readers come with a wealth of benefits including a design element which includes a tamper proof facility providing you with a secure self-service solution. The emphasis is built around providing sturdy robust hardware to withstand the weather and the threat of vandals.
The core design is built around a high end design whilst providing a simple familiar interface for self service which allows you to reinvent your business the way your customers pay.
Why move to a cashless solution
It is predicted that the unattended market will grow by as much as 70.4% as consumers have more access to unattended systems, representing a considerable opportunity for unattended retail merchants to expand their customer bases.
Speed and ease of use are two components that are crucial to providing attractive and engaging unattended experiences.
Vending machines are the most recognisable unattended commerce channel, but consumers’ demands for unattended retail options extend far beyond simply using kiosks to buy candy bars and soft drinks.
Consumers purchase a wide array of products and services through unattended retail channels. These include laundry services, vehicle-based services like jet-washes, electric charging vehicles and air pumps, kiosks that sell clothing and computers and electronics.
Unattended services
Speed and ease of use are two components that are crucial to providing attractive and engaging unattended experiences.
Consumers purchase a wide array of products and services through unattended retail channels. These include laundry services, vehicle-based services like jet-washes, electric charging vehicles and air pumps, kiosks that sell clothing and computers and electronics.
Cashless is shaping the new experience
Now more than ever it’s key for merchants to look to reliable contactless technology to take their business to the next level and to boost revenues. Shoppers are more cautious and preferring to make purchases in a touchless way.
Reinventing business models and exploring new possibilities in the new normal which in turn is creating huge opportunities for the autonomous vending market.
Family entertainment
Roadside retail
What customers want
More than 50% of customers think that cash will disappear completely at some point in the future, how is your business prepared?
63% of new generation consumers would pay more for a mobile experience. People understand that technology will change how they buy things. Is your business ready for cashless?